Henry M Metz Family 



Elizabeth Schneider Metz (1850-1882).

Henry M. Metz and his wife Elizabeth Schneider Metz and their three sons left Illinois and started west to Faulk County, SD in 1882. On the trip west another son Louis was born. Before they arrive at their destination, Elizabeth passed away in Frankfort SD of pneumonia at 32 years of age.

Eva Margaret Findeis Metz (1855-1944) (on right) was Henry M Metz's second wife. They were married in1890.

The woman on the left is Mary Alexander (Anna Metz's mother) 

Henry W. Metz (1876-1956). Married Anna T Alexander. Five children: Ervin, Walter, Mae, Amy and Francis. State Representative 1940-1951.  

Nicholas Metz and Louella Childs Metz. They had one son Neil.

Nick married Lydia Paul Metz in 1906 and they had a daughter Grace Metz born in 1909.

Nick married Ruby McDearmon Metz in 1921. 

Grandson: Neil Metz, son of Nickolas Metz and Louella Childs Metz.   

Granddaughter: Grace Metz born in 1909 was the daughter of
Nickolas Metz & Lydia Paul Metz (his 2nd wife).

LtoR: Clara Paul Metz, Lydia Paul Metz (Nicholas Metz's wife) & Clara's husband Frederick Metz.

 Son: Frederick Metz was born in 1878 near Bloomington, IL. Married Clara Paul in 1906. Their daughter Dorothea Metz married Ralph Mutch of Minnesota. Fred attended Sievers country school and was the Faulk County sheriff (1906-1910) 

Clara Metz and Em Stammer Findeis 1960. 

Dorothea Metz Mutch was daughter of Frederick & Clara Paul Metz. Dorothea Metz married Ralph Mutch of Minnesota. After her father (Fred) passed, Dorothea & Ralph moved to the Metz farm. 

William Hogeboom & wife Emma Findeis Hogeboom. They had three children, Clayton (1902-1975), Cornelius (Neil) (1905-1974) and Thomas (1982-1951)

Stepson: Adam Findeis (1877-1959) Married Eda Pauline Alexander Findeis (daughter of Rudolph & Mary Alexander). They lived in Miranda their whole lives. They had two daughters, Inez and Doris.  

Granddaughter: Inez Findeis Holden (daughter of Eda Alexander Findeis & Adam Findeis) was born in 1909 on a farm near Miranda SD. She married Calvin Holden in 1932.

Granddaughter: Doris Findeis Fontenelle (daughter of Eda Alexander Findeis & Adam Findeis) was born in 1911 on a farm near Miranda SD. She married Henry Fontenelle.

Adopted Son: Louis E. Metz Findeis and wife, Emma J. Stammer Findeis, farmed SW of Miranda SD in Arcade Township. In 1911, they had a son Merle R. Findeis.

Adopted Son: Louis Metz Findeis and his son Merle Findeis.

Stepson: Philip Findeis (1876-1960) married Ella Alexander Findeis (daughter of Rudolph & Mary Alexander) in 1907. Their daughter Alice Findeis Moul (Mrs.Jack Moul).


Henry M Metz &
Elizabeth Schneider Metz

Henry M Metz &
Eva Findeis Metz


Henry M. Metz (1846-1897) was an early homesteader
in Faulk County, SD. Henry was born in Germany
and came to Illinois with his parents.

Henry served in the Civil War. He joined the
2nd IL Cavalry at 15 years old. He was wounded
during his 3 year military service.

Henry M. Metz and his wife Elizabeth Schneider Metz
and their three sons left Illinois and started west to 
South Dakota in 1882. On the trip west another son,
Louis, was born. Before they arrive at their destination,
Elizabeth died of pneumonia at 32 years of age.

Henry and his four sons continued on and
homesteaded in Arcade Township, SW of Miranda SD.

Henry and Elizabeth’s sons:

Nicholas Frederick Metz born 1874. Married Louella Childs
Metz, they had one son Neil. Married Lydia Paul Metz in
1906, they had a daughter Grace Metz born in 1909.
Nick married Ruby McDearmon Metz in 1921.

Henry W. Metz married Anna T Alexander. Five children: 
Ervin, Walter, Mae, Amy and Francis. Faulk County
Commissioner and State Representative 1940-1951.

Frederick Walter Metz born 1878. Married Clara Paul
1906. Their daughter Dorothea Metz married Ralph
Mutsch of Minnesota. Fred was the Faulk County sheriff

Louis Metz Findeis (1882-1948). Married Emma Stammer
Findeis. One son Merle. Farmed near Miranda SD on the 
Adam Findeis Sr. farm.


In 1890, Henry M. Metz and Eva Findeis Metz married.


Eva Margaret Findeis Metz (1855-1944) and her four
children came to Faulk County, SD from Germany in 1885.

Philip Findeis (1876-1960) Married Ella Alexander
Findeis in 1889. One daughter Alice. Philip had several
successful businesses in Miranda including lumber yard,
hardware store, & stockyard and was manager of the
elevator for a while and President of Miranda State Bank.

Adam Findeis (1877-1959) Married Eda Pauline
Alexander Findeis. Lived in Miranda SD their whole lives.
They had two daughters, Inez and Doris.

Emma Findeis (1879-1920) married William H. Hogeboom
(1878-1955). Emma and William had three children,
Clayton (1902-1975), Cornelius (Neil) (1905-1974)
and Thomas (1982-1951).

Margaret Findeis died of typhoid fever at age of 12.


Philip & Ella Findeis with Alice, Louis Alexander, Hilbert Alexander,
Eda Findeis (Mrs Adam), Doris Holden & Inez Holden in front,
Ed Alexander (taller man in back), Rudolph & Mary Alexander,
Eva Margaret Findeis Metz (Adam & Philip's mother, Adam Findeis
Sr's daughter-in- law and Henry M Metz's second wife). about 1915.

Grandchildren: (Henry W and Anna Metz's children)
Top left: Walter Henry, Mae Anna, Ervin Alexander
Bottom left: Francis Merle, Amy Nettie

Louis Metz Findeis (1882-1948) & Emma Stammer Findeis.

Stepson: Philip (1876-1960) & wife Ella Alexander 
Findeis (1889-).

Ed Alexander holding daughter, Eileen, Ella Alexander
Findeis, Eda Alexander Findeis & Adam Findeis

Phillip Findeis, Cornelius Hogeboom, Adam Findeis.

Cornelius and Ermina Hammond Hogeboom
homesteaded in Hillsdale Township in 1883. Their
son, William Hogeboom, married Emma Findeis
who is Philip & Adam's sister.
Grace Metz Peters (daughter of Nickolas and Lydia
Paul Metz)
Neil Metz (son of Nickolas and Louella Childs Metz)
Margaretha Metz Findeis (1844-1911) (Henry M
Metz's sister) & Adam Findeis Sr (1825-1905)
married on January 14, 1874.

Adam Findeis Sr was born in Germany in 1825,
and was married in 1849, and in 1850 to them a son,
Edward, was born.
After the decease of his wife in 1853, he came to
America. After traveling in the east and south, he 
located in St. Louis, Missouri, and on September 30,
1861, he enlisted in the service of the United States
and was mustered into service in Company I., First
Regiment Engineer, Missouri Volunteers at St. Louis,
Missouri, and mustered out of service at East Point,
Georgia, on September 28, 1864, at the expiration of
his service. On the 15th day of February, 1865,
re-enlisted and was mustered into service as a private
in Company F,
Sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Cavalry for one year
and was discharged on the 5th day of November, 1865.
His residence is stated as Clayton, Illinois.

On January 14, 1874, he was married to Miss Margaret
Metz at Lacon, Marshall County, Illinois, and in 1883
they moved to Faulk County, South Dakota.

Adam & Margaretha had a daughter Emma Caroline
Findeis (1872-1946). She married Wilford Chapman.
Later she married Robert Malcom Potter and they had
a  son Robert Potter Jr.

Louis E. Metz Findeis (1882-1948) was son of Henry M.
Metz and Elizabeth Metz but after his mother's death
he was adopted at a young age and raised by his aunt
Margaretha Metz Findeis and her husband Adam Findeis

Children of
Henry & Elizabeth:

Nicholas Frederick Metz
Married: Louella Childs
Children: Neil
Married: Lydia Paul  1906
Children: Grace
Married: Ruby McDearmon

Henry W Metz
Married: Anna Alexander
Children: Ervin Alexander, Walter Henry, Mae Anna,
Amy Nettie, Francis Merle

Frederick Walter Metz
Married: Clara Paul  1906
Children: Dorothea

Louis Metz Findeis
Married: Emma Stammer
Children: Merle


Children of
Henry & Eva:

Anna Magada Metz
(Feb 6, 1896-Mar 23,1896)
daughter of Henry & Eva.

Henry's Step Children:

Philip Findeis
Married: Ella Alexander
Children: Alice R.

Adam George Findeis
Married: Eda Pauline

Children: Inez, Doris

Emma Findeis
Married: William
Children:Clayton, Cornelius, Thomas 

Margaret (Maggie) Findeis
Died at Miranda, South Dakota, April 16th, 1893, of Typhoid fever, Maggie daughter of Henry and Eva Metz, age 12 years old.


Margaretha Metz Findeis
(Henry M Metz's sister)
married Adam Findeis Sr

Joseph Metz
(Henry M Metz's brother) died in blizzard of 1888.




Faulkton Cemetery